Predict Fees and Limits


In the interest of fairness, Predict fees are symmetric.

This means that, in a given market, parties trading the same volume of complementary shares should expect to pay the same fee.

Consider the following two transactions:

  • Alice sells 100 YES shares at a per-share price of $0.70

  • Bob buys 100 NO shares at a per-share price of $0.30

Here, it stands that Alice and Bob should be charged the same for their activities — but Alice will receive USDB, while Bob will receive NO shares. To standardize the fee, we apply the following calculations:

For selling

fee=0.005min(price,1price)sizepricefee = 0.005*min(price,1-price)*\frac{size}{price}

For buying

fee=0.005min(price,1price)sizefee = 0.005*min(price,1-price)*size

In practice

Alice sells 100 YES shares at $0.70:

fee=0.005min(0.70,0.30)1000.7=0.0050.31000.7=0.214fee = 0.005*min(0.70,0.30)*\frac{100}{0.7} = 0.005*0.3*\frac{100}{0.7} = 0.214

The result provided above references the number of shares extracted as a fee, which is equivalent to 15¢.

Bob buys 100 NO shares at $0.30:

fee=0.005min(0.30,0.70)100=0.0050.3100=0.15fee = 0.005 * min(0.30,0.70) * 100 = 0.005*0.3*100 = 0.15

Here, our result is the dollar value extract as a fee — in other words, 15¢.


For any given market, a maximum of 10 limit orders can be placed concurrently by a single user/address.

In addition, there is a minimum order amount of 1 USDB.

Last updated