Native Yield

Native yield is a unique feature of the Blast ecosystem, which allows users to earn using their stablecoins and ETH — without depositing them into DeFi platforms.

Blast generates yield through ETH staking and RWA protocols, distributing it to network users as follows:

  • 3% for ETH

  • 6% for stablecoins

Crucially, these assets don't need to be 'doing' anything. Provided they've been bridged over to Blast, they can sit idle and continue earning.

Below, we outline how native yield is handled on your Predict-based funds.

Native Yield on Your Wallet

USDB that you've deposited to Predict and haven't deployed (i.e., it's still in your wallet) will automatically earn native yield — no need to claim it.

Native Yield on Positions

For the USDB you've put into existing market positions, Predict receives the native yield on your behalf, distributing it based on the value of your open positions (determined by regular snapshots).

You will be able to manually claim this yield on a weekly basis via the Portfolio page.

Last updated