How to Earn Points

Points form the basis of Predict's incentive system, which rewards users for placing bid/ask limit orders on the books. Collect points to earn Blast Gold over each Gold distribution period.

Points are accrued by users that place bid/ask orders closest to the market price. The longer those orders remain active, the more points received.

How Are Points Awarded?

Points are awarded to traders who provide liquidity to markets on Predict. In each market, bids or asks with the greatest chance of being executed will earn the majority of daily allocated points. There is a fixed amount of base points given out to traders each day, that is split across all markets based on each market's 24 hour rolling volume.

Random snapshots of every market's order book will be taken in very short intervals throughout each day. If a user's limit order exists on the order book at the time of a snapshot, it is able to earn points from the points allocated to that snapshot. When a bid or ask is accepted, it stops earning points.

Note that only the top five bids and asks in each market at each snapshot will earn points.

For example, if the market has a current price of 50.6¢, and the top 10 YES bids ordered by price are:

  • 50.5¢

  • 50.4¢

  • 50.2¢

  • 50.1¢

  • 49.5¢

  • 49.3¢

  • 49.2¢

  • 48.5¢

  • 48.3¢

  • 48.1¢

Then only the first five entries on this list (from 50.5¢ to 49.5¢) will receive points at a snapshot, with the majority awarded to the top-ranking order. Below are the multipliers attached to each position in the top five:

  • 100x [highest bid or lowest ask]

  • 5x

  • 3x

  • 2x

  • 1x [lowest bid or highest ask]

Additionally, an order must be live on an order book for at least five minutes to become eligible to earn points.

USDB can also be used to place multiple limit orders across different markets at the same time to maximize points. Note, though, that this will result in frequent order invalidation checks, which ensure that participants have enough USDB in their wallets for execution.

Additionally, a rolling 24-hour leaderboard has been added to give traders different boosts of up to 2.5x for the top 100 point earners during a rolling 24-hour time period.

How Do I Receive Blast Gold?

Blast Gold is automatically distributed once a month, based on the results of the points leaderboard during that period.

Check out the Rewards page to keep track of upcoming distributions, your points balance, and the rolling 24-hour leaderboard.

Last updated