Converting Complementary Positions (NO → YES)
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On Predict, you can easily swap your NO shares for YES ones on the opposite side — without the hassle of selling and rebuying.
Share conversion is supported only in ‘winner takes all’ markets. In other words, multi-outcome markets where only one option can resolve to YES.
Supported markets can be identified by the crown icon on their respective cards.
When you convert NO shares in a supported market, you’ll automatically receive the equivalent amount of YES shares in other sub-markets. Consider a winner-takes-all market with three sub-markets:
Option A: YES 48¢ | NO 52¢
Option B: YES 50¢ | NO 50¢
Option C: YES 1¢ | NO 99¢
Option D: YES 1¢ | NO 99¢
Suppose that we own 100 NO shares for Option D, and we instead want YES shares for Options A-C instead. We could sell our share and buy these three alternatives, but Convert will instead swap them for 100 YES (Option A), 100 YES (Option B) and 100 YES (Option C).
Clicking the button above will trigger a menu enabling us to select all sub-markets whose NO shares we want to convert.
In the event that we want to exchange more than one set of NO shares, we’ll receive:
A corresponding amount of YES shares for the remaining sub-market
A USDB amount
On this secondary bullet point, the following formula can be applied to calculate our USDB amount:
To revisit our example above, suppose that we own 10 NO shares in Option B, Option C and Option D. If we choose to convert them into Option A shares, we’ll receive 10 YES shares for Option A, plus an additional $20 in USDB.
In a case where you choose to convert NO shares from two sub-markets (out of a possible four or more), you will only receive YES shares for the first sub-market in the order they're listed.